Hello everyone,
I've been thinking to myself for the last 8 months or so how nice it would be to get involved in the early banjo community, and as with most things in life I finally realized that the way to get involved in anything is to just jump in and start making introductions.
I've been playing clawhammer banjo for about 8 years, and dabbling with minstrel banjo since February, when I acquired a Menzies gourd banjo (followed by a Menzies tackhead in June.)
I found this site while trying to find out when the next Early Banjo Gathering might occur, got my account on July 18, and then got distracted by other things and didn't come back until tonight... which of course means I missed the late July AEBG post and any chance I might have had to make it down there. If I'd found out even a week ago I might have figured something out... but I guess it's not in the cards for me this year. I hope you all have a great time and take lots of video... and I hope to meet lots of you at the next one!
(Edit: Now that I've read through all the old forum posts I see the date was set as early as May, so I have nobody to blame but myself!)