Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Received my first set of bones in the mail today. I'm happy! Not only because they've arrived, but because within 10 minutes of their arrival, I'd already annoyed the offspring! "Daddy, will you please stop!"

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Hi, Strumelia:

We haven't met but I just have to ask what is 'session busters'? Roberta

Strumelia said:

Ilike them!  Lots of different tones are possible from even one set, just by varying your hand position or the motions.   i got carried away and a modest collection now.  I tend to like the clicky/softer/hollow sounding ones, rather than the really loud clacky hardwood ones.

It still amazes me that I can actually make that triple click thing work with so little effort.  :)

I think the biggest problem is that spoons have a terrible reputation as 'session busters', and bones are seen as directly related to spoons.

Hi Roberta.  A 'session' is a music jam, usually fairly small, and a 'session buster' would be some person or instrument that is inappropriately loud, overpowering, or disruptive,  making it difficult to enjoy playing as a group, and essentially putting an end to the session.

Thanks:-)...learning the lingo

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