Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I thought I would share some of the experience I had in the fabulous Porcupine Mountains of Northern Michigan in October. I went there and spent 2 weeks in this great little cabin, with the intent of producing original works in the style of 19th century stroke style banjo. Here are a few of the tunes. I uploaded the sketches in notation, as well as the videos, which I did up there as I wrote them. I ended up with a suite of 8 pieces that fit together pretty well. Copper's Minor was a stop on the way home at Fayette.

Wood Stove Walk 'Round
Por-kee-pine Cra-co-vee-ine
Copper's Minor

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I wish I could get away for that kind of time. It sounds like you had a great trip.

I like all three pieces, but the walk 'round is my favorite of the three. I think Wood Stove Walk 'Round and Por-kee-pine Cra-co-vee-ine are very much in the period flavor.

Copper's minor is a nice piece. I like the way you have a phase, followed by a responding phrase in each section, sort of like a question and an answer.
Thanks John. I'll put the others up (there are 5 more) soon. I plan to print them with software notation and then do good recordings with percussion.
Man, now that I think of it, I did not eat a single pastie. Lots of whitefish, however.

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