Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Hi y'all,


Yes, everybody's headed to Antietam...but I heard a tune the other night and cannot think of the title. Carl Anderton sang it at Antietam a few years back but all I recall is that it is a plaintive tune with a a strange chorus (Eulia...euliee?).


Anyway, I was watching the classic John Ford movie "Stagecoach" last night and in a saloon scene, the piano player is playing this piece. I could hear (in my head) Carl singing it...but could not come up with any words, etc.


Class? Anybody? Buehler?



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Eulalie - by Stephen Foster - can be found here - among other places  http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/inharmony/detail.do?action=detail&a...

Don't get too depressed singing this one Marc - poor old Eulalie is dead before the song even starts!

Trap, I think you are thinking of the song 'Rosa Lee," the melody of which is in Briggs and the lyrics may be found in the usual places, LOC AM and Levy's.


The chorus goes "oh-lee ah-lee oh-lah-ee, courting down in Tennessee..."

Bless you, Carl. I was about to start tabbing out "Eulalie" to see if the melody matched. I had an inkling "Tennessee" was in the lyrics but I couldn't find anything that matched my obviously fuddled memory. Ian's suggestion had a lot of merit. Esp., since Foster songs were so commonly used in "old west" movies and the like.

"Rosa Lee" is the tune, for sure. See? You could have been onstage with the Duke, belting out a tune with the piano player!


I love watching these old flicks and coming across interesting tunes.


Thanks!! I am already missing being at Antietam...

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