Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

First sorry for not being around in a while. My Computer in the shop and I can only get on line when I can get to a computer.


Two insiterments I always wanted to learn to play was the guitar and the banjo. Learned the Guitar. Bit could never find a banjo when I had the money or would find one and not have the money. So after building several other musical insterments starting with Cigar boxguitars and a cookie tine banjo. I moved to makeing dulcimers. then I got brave enouh to want to try and build an old time banjo. after reading Foxfrie three. I read about some that had been made with a wooden top. The plans are there so I had to try. the sides are made form malpe and the neck is poplar wood.  After spending all the time making it it I realized I did not know how to play it. SO fpr the last cpouple of months I have been trying to teach my self the basic of playing, in between making other insterments and my art work. here is a Photo of woody number "1"



I'll be back when I can. keep on Pick'n ya'll


Hmmm wonder way this is setting on my work spot and what will it become?

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Thanks for posting the information about your Wood top banjo.

I recently added a wooden top (1/8") birch to my last banjo .

I have it on my homepage its the one called the Sonotube Banjo.

 I tune it  d A D F# A .  I play minstrel stroke style on it as well as clawhammer.

Havin fun

Ron H

I am just learning to play. have starfted with the clawhammer syrle becouse that close to the way I play Guitar. I'll have to check out your homw page.

So great that you made yourself a banjo, Phil!

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