Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

My Boucher kit arrived at my office today. I'm itching to take it out and look at everything, but I know I won't get a chance here at work. Right after work, my bluegrass group will be going to play at a local nursing home (we do this at 3 homes, once per month each). So, it'll be 8:30 or 9 tonight before I get to unbox it. I'm excited to get started on the sanding, staining, finishing and assembling! Once I start, I'll be sure to post some pictures of the progress. 

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I would have had the "recurring eye problem." "Sorry, boss, I just can't see myself staying here all day today."


Hi Matthew! 

Great pictures. Thanks for doing that. I finally had some time to work on mine tonight. I've got both the neck and rim coarse sanded. Tomorrow night, I hope to work down to the 150 grain on both. The Boucher neck has some sanding challenges built in, with the Ogee cuts. I'm being extra careful in those areas. I'm also taking pictures, but I probably won't post until I finish the fine sanding. The dyes I ordered won't be in until the middle of next week, so I've got plenty of time to devote to proper sanding. I'm also enjoying Tim Twiss' book and CD!

As far as that Brawley urge goes...I get it...that's a great looking banjo...but then, they all are, aren't they?  

 I bet you have a fun wknd, messing around with it, congrats

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