A rather dry, but fascinating topic. I hope some folks chime in with thoughts about the right hand in this music. I was playing "Hobson's Jig" today, and I always struggle with M2. I was wowed by Clarke's recording, and learned from the Flesher Book. As you can see his fingering, it is somewhat "Rice like" with its repeated finger and thumb strokes. It works. The Buckley version (from which it was taken) is unfingered, much like most of his books. Havining spent a lot of time in the Converse Analytical this year, I have really come to appreciate his "Combinations". These are direct plants of the hand marked by the heavy line. His last music was heavily marked with these marks (the book was published in 1886). The more I play with this concept, the more I see how the earlier music fits these fingerings. Such is this particular spot. The tune totally flowed for me after this. Also, a pull is needed on the 1st string, as indicated by the arch above the note. This is but one spot of many I have found.