Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Planning on ordering an open back with a duel setup.  That is two bridges and two nuts to allow switching between steel and some type of minstrel style strings.  My intent was to get a short scale (25.5 inches), however I've noticed most minstrel banjos seem to have a much longer scale.  So my question: Would the regular 26.5 inch scale be better for the heftier strings? or is a duel system just a bad idea?  Needing advice.

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CCD is the Carolina Chocolate Drops. Rhiannon Giddens and Dom Flemons are great players and purveyors of the early history of the banjo...

Low E or Low D. Just standard G tuned down 2 steps, or Briggs up a step. The multiple C' s are the drop C, double C, and open C tunings derived from the standard tuning, even sawmill I suppose.

I've been trying to work my way through Briggs and Converse. I've been looking at Tim's materials. I'm also waiting to see what comes on flash drive with my Bell Stichter. Plus, I watch Tim's corresponding videos on YouTube. What did I ever do before the internet?! Lol

I'm glad I stumbled onto this site. Like most of us, the people or banjo players we know don't play this style or period of music. I'm kind of on an island...

So maybe OCCCDD is obsessive compulsive carolina chocolate drops disorder...  I could certainly "c" that.   ;D

Briggs is a low bass tuning, standard G is a high bass tuning.

Here are two short but interesting older threads about tunings:



Yep, I certainly have that!! LOL thanks for the links. Already have them open!!

My biggest adjustment has been effectively dropping my thumb cleanly, without dulling or muting the string above. Ugh. Oh well, practice practice practice.

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