Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

A query from the new guy @ MB: I have been looking for a piece of 5/4 maple to make a neck.

I found a nice piece of 1x4x4 maple at Menards but would prefer 5/4. None of the chains stock 5/4 and the lumber yard near me closed awhile back.  Any advice or recommendations? Thanks.

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You may think I'm crazy, but I've had good luck buying lumber on Ebay when I can't find it elsewhere.  Go to Ebay and search on5/4 Maple lumber.

Hi Rick,  whatever wood you find, make sure you 'eyeball' it lengthwise and use the conCAVE side of the plank for the fingerboard side or she's gonna buzz.

Thank you Terry for that tip, I NEVER would of thought of that.

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