Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Harpers Ferry Violin, Bones, and Banjo Workshop Weekend

Event Details

Harpers Ferry Violin, Bones, and Banjo Workshop Weekend

Time: November 12, 2011 to November 13, 2011
Location: Harpers Ferry, WV (at the refurbished train station)
City/Town: Harpers Ferry, WV
Phone: 304‐535‐6063
Event Type: workshop/educational, event
Organized By: Greg Adams and NPS Ranger, Melinda Day
Latest Activity: Nov 15, 2011

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Event Description

This is the second in a series of workshops designed to bring together specialists, musicians, and interested individuals to discuss, explore, and play 19th century American popular music. The November 2011 event features three notable musical instruments in American popular culture in the 19th century—the violin/fiddle, rhythm bones (bone castanets), and 5­string banjo. Now in the 21st century, each instrument holds an iconic status in different revival and traditional music scenes, including bluegrass, old­time, Irish session music, Civil War reenacting, and living history circles. Become part of a growing community that inclusively seeks to understand how 19th century music reflects America’s diverse musical heritage and relates to our performances in the present. Workshops will include discussions about context, explorations of historical music and material culture, and tutorial sessions about period techniques and performance practice. Banjo scholar Greg C. Adams, bones player and multi-instrumentalist Rowan Corbett, and violinist/collector Chuck Krepley invite you to experience what makes 19th century performance practice similar to, but distinct from popular 21st century playing techniques.

Comment Wall

Comment by Paul Draper on November 15, 2011 at 10:23am

Thanks, Jim, for posting your photos!

Comment by James Pentecost on November 15, 2011 at 11:41am

Comment by Jack Gellerstedt on November 15, 2011 at 10:06pm

I very much echo the responses of others.  The event at Harper's Ferry was a great experience.  Many thanks to Greg, Melinda, and others for putting this together.  All of this makes the early American banjo activity so much fun.  The lectures were great, the music was great, and maybe the best of all was being together with many old and new friends who are part of this musical community.


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