Joel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival 2018photoJoel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival 20185 LikesJoel Sweeney ConvergenceeventJoel Sweeney Convergence6 Likes
July 2018
Reading musical notation for the various Tut…I decided to learn musical notation for the banjo so I could study and learn from the period books now available. But WTF, they are all written with different tunings for the banjo! How am I supposed…DiscussionReading musical notation for the various Tut…1 LikeFar South Reel MedleyvideoFar South Reel Medley2 LikesMay-Flower SchottischevideoMay-Flower Schottische6 LikesCopper's MinorvideoCopper's Minor4 LikesFrisky ReelvideoFrisky Reel5 LikesGardnerBoucherDemo ReviewvideoGardnerBoucherDemo Review2 Likes
June 2018
Brighton JigvideoBrighton Jig4 LikesCarulli: One Guitar, Two Banjo'svideoCarulli: One Guitar, Two Banjo's6 LikesReel Ober De Mountain With FlutinavideoReel Ober De Mountain With Flutina3 LikesDe Stingy Ole ManvideoDe Stingy Ole Man8 Likesminstrel banjo carry me back to old virginnyvideominstrel banjo carry me back to old virginny2 LikesDe Floating Scow Ob Ole VirginiavideoDe Floating Scow Ob Ole Virginia6 LikesMoney am a Hard Thing to Borrow.videoMoney am a Hard Thing to Borrow.3 Likes
Carry Me Back To Old VirginnyvideoCarry Me Back To Old Virginny4 LikesBee Gum ReelvideoBee Gum Reel6 LikesOriginal Essence of Old VirginnyvideoOriginal Essence of Old Virginny1 LikeJoel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival- May 2015-…videoJoel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival- May 2015-…4 Likes