An Early Banjo GatheringI have a historic site that is interested in hosting an Early Banjo Gathering. I don't want to say where yet, but I need to start talking dates with the site coordinator. I would like a consensus fr…DiscussionAn Early Banjo Gathering3 Likes
June 2019
Jake Bacchus' Reel ? Where Did You Come FromvideoJake Bacchus' Reel ? Where Did You Come From9 LikesCommence Ye Darkies all~ Get Up in The Morni…videoCommence Ye Darkies all~ Get Up in The Morni…4 LikesBill Newcomb’s JigvideoBill Newcomb’s Jig4 LikesZephyr Waltz (Frank Converse, 1872)videoZephyr Waltz (Frank Converse, 1872)5 LikesSpanish WaltzvideoSpanish Waltz6 LikesSpanish Waltz (Fingerstyle banjo, 1872)videoSpanish Waltz (Fingerstyle banjo, 1872)3 LikesFancy BallvideoFancy Ball6 Likes
April 2019
G. P. Knauff's: The Two SistersvideoG. P. Knauff's: The Two Sisters7 LikesMarseillaise Hymn.videoMarseillaise Hymn.4 Likes
March 2019
Buckley’s Best ReelvideoBuckley’s Best Reel4 LikesRattlesnake Jig two ways (with distractions)videoRattlesnake Jig two ways (with distractions)6 LikesCircus Jig early gourd banjovideoCircus Jig early gourd banjo3 Likesearly banjovideoearly banjo3 Likes
January 2019
Riverside Schottische & The Melrose PolkavideoRiverside Schottische & The Melrose Polka4 LikesFretless 'minstrel' banjo from a 18 inch boh…videoFretless 'minstrel' banjo from a 18 inch boh…5 LikesMulberry HIllphotoMulberry HIll1 Like
December 2018
Kit Cat BreakdownvideoKit Cat Breakdown2 LikesAdeste FidelisvideoAdeste Fidelis6 Likes"Dixie" Early Banjo Stylevideo"Dixie" Early Banjo Style7 Likes