Evening Star Waltz - The Jonny Booker Band L…videoEvening Star Waltz - The Jonny Booker Band L…5 LikesDixie Land - The Old Jonny Booker Band LivevideoDixie Land - The Old Jonny Booker Band Live3 LikesBrighton JigvideoBrighton Jig6 LikesOld Dan TuckervideoOld Dan Tucker4 Likes
April 2016
Old Tar River from the Banjo PreceptorvideoOld Tar River from the Banjo Preceptor9 LikesRight out of the box... Stichter minstrel ba…videoRight out of the box... Stichter minstrel ba…2 LikesCotton Pod Walk AroundvideoCotton Pod Walk Around3 LikesMary BlanevideoMary Blane7 LikesRoot Hog or DievideoRoot Hog or Die6 LikesTENPENNY BIT, (Irish.)videoTENPENNY BIT, (Irish.)5 LikesLynchburg TownvideoLynchburg Town6 LikesHarper's jigvideoHarper's jig8 LikesDixie LandvideoDixie Land9 LikesLand of CanaanvideoLand of Canaan5 LikesBound to govideoBound to go6 LikesWhite Cat Black CatvideoWhite Cat Black Cat7 LikesBobey Nickle's Jig.videoBobey Nickle's Jig.7 LikesWhole Hog Or NonevideoWhole Hog Or None8 LikesDarkey Money Musk (Briggs, 1855)videoDarkey Money Musk (Briggs, 1855)9 Likes2016-Sweeney-Festival-Scheddulephoto2016-Sweeney-Festival-Scheddule4 LikesPry House EventI was playing downtown (Frederick) at the NMCWM today, and had an interesting discussion with Jake Wynn, the program coordinator, about future Pry House events. In the short term he expressed and int…DiscussionPry House Event3 Likes