Briggs' Corn Shucking Jig --- Preliminary Fu…videoBriggs' Corn Shucking Jig --- Preliminary Fu…5 LikesSong-Old JoevideoSong-Old Joe2 LikesLuke West's Walk Around.videoLuke West's Walk Around.4 LikesLa España Waltz.videoLa España Waltz.7 LikesO Lud GalsvideoO Lud Gals5 LikesBelle of LexingtonvideoBelle of Lexington8 LikesButler's JigvideoButler's Jig8 LikesHard Times Come Again No MorevideoHard Times Come Again No More5 LikesHard Times Come Again No MorevideoHard Times Come Again No More7 Likes
July 2016
Old Dan Emmett's Waltz.videoOld Dan Emmett's Waltz.7 Likes
June 2016
O'Flarharty's Wake.videoO'Flarharty's Wake.8 LikesTT's No 9videoTT's No 93 LikesTake Your Foot Out Sand, Stick It in the MudvideoTake Your Foot Out Sand, Stick It in the Mud5 LikesTT's Tab of the Week - Fairy Dance, left handvideoTT's Tab of the Week - Fairy Dance, left hand5 LikesRattlesnake Jig.videoRattlesnake Jig.6 Likes16 May 29 Greenfield Village People reprisephoto16 May 29 Greenfield Village People reprise6 Likes2016 Banjo (Collectors) Gathering, November…Hello everyone,
I am posting information about this year's Banjo Gathering, as posted in other locations by Hank Schwartz on behalf of Jim Bollman and Peter Szego
I hope everyone is doing well!
Greg…Discussion2016 Banjo (Collectors) Gathering, November…1 LikeWandering Boys, poor and otherwisevideoWandering Boys, poor and otherwise6 Likes
May 2016
Don't you hear the bulginevideoDon't you hear the bulgine12 LikesLate Night at the Sweeney ConvergencevideoLate Night at the Sweeney Convergence4 LikesLadies in de ParlourvideoLadies in de Parlour9 Likes