De Old Jaw BoneHow about this one for the Tune Of The Week? People can sing it, or do it as an instrumental. There has never been a definitive version done by nothing can be incorrect. Look up the tu…DiscussionDe Old Jaw Bone1 LikeMoney MuskvideoMoney Musk2 LikesSweeney Convergence: Dancing Old Dan TuckervideoSweeney Convergence: Dancing Old Dan Tucker6 Likes12 banjosphoto12 banjos1 Likea new bell banjophotoa new bell banjo1 LikeFriendsMy apologies to anyone I may have inadvertantly snubbed in the past. I just now, after three years, figured out how the friends gizmo works. I really am a congenial fellow. Thank you for your pati…DiscussionFriends2 Likes945783_248735308599279_870740299_n (1)photo945783_248735308599279_870740299_n (1)2 LikesDSC00028photoDSC000281 LikeNew BookI finally put together a book for Stroke / Early banjo. I'm not saying I reinvented the wheel or anything, but it is a tight little book....25 pages, and it includes a CD with demonstrations and tu…DiscussionNew Book2 LikesThe Heap (way too many banjos)photoThe Heap (way too many banjos)1 Like
April 2013
the centerville serenadersphotothe centerville serenaders2 LikesAnyone interested?I am starting a new banjo project. This is primarily for myself. The banjo will be an American version of one of Jim Bollman's ornate British banjos. The 13" pot will be heavily veneered and the w…DiscussionAnyone interested?1 Liketennessee workshop flyerphototennessee workshop flyer1 LikeHattie SchottishevideoHattie Schottishe2 LikesClare de KitchenvideoClare de Kitchen4 LikesNeshaminy Civil War Re-enactment 2013videoNeshaminy Civil War Re-enactment 20133 LikesThe Librarian and the BanjoI happened to come across a film at the Wisconsin Film Festival in Madison last week that might be of interest to some on this forum. Produced and directed by Jim Carrier and entitled "The Librarian…DiscussionThe Librarian and the Banjo2 LikesDrink Your Water and Toss It AwayvideoDrink Your Water and Toss It Away4 LikesDoon the WatervideoDoon the Water1 LikeKerr's and other sourcesI have found sections in Kerr's Merry Melodies that are actual source material for the Buckley's, Converse, and Briggs'. I am not certain of the date these books were put out. An interesting one is t…DiscussionKerr's and other sources1 LikeGourd Banjo Angeline The BakervideoGourd Banjo Angeline The Baker6 Likes