Pea Nut Girl.videoPea Nut Girl.4 LikesFisher's Hornpipe and Money MuskvideoFisher's Hornpipe and Money Musk2 LikesPhoto uploaded on July 16, 2014photoPhoto uploaded on July 16, 20146 LikesTobacco Jake Jig.videoTobacco Jake Jig.7 LikesAEBGThe Antietam Early Banjo Gathering is an annual event at the Pry House Barn on the Antietam Battlefield.
The next dates for this event are June 19-21, 2015.
The facebook link is: <a href="https://www.fa">https://www.fa</a>…PageAEBG4 Likes
May 2014
Antietam Early Banjo Gathering-VII (June 20-…eventAntietam Early Banjo Gathering-VII (June 20-…8 Likes