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March 2016
Cuffee's Go DownvideoCuffee's Go Down4 LikesCalabash DancevideoCalabash Dance6 LikesExcelsior RondovideoExcelsior Rondo4 LikesMusieu BainjovideoMusieu Bainjo10 LikesCalabash DancevideoCalabash Dance4 LikesCalabash Dance w/ variations TOTMvideoCalabash Dance w/ variations TOTM4 LikesBeginner Tune of the Month: Calabash DanceWith Tim's blessing, I thought that in addition to whatever regular TuneoftheWeek tunes there might be going on, I'd call an occasional "Tune of the Month" for beginner stroke players- something ver…DiscussionBeginner Tune of the Month: Calabash Dance3 LikesMusieu BanjovideoMusieu Banjo6 Likes