TwoMinstrelSongsvideoTwoMinstrelSongs1 LikeOld Joe... Briggs (1855)videoOld Joe... Briggs (1855)2 LikesCarry me back to Old Virginny...BRIGGS 1855..videoCarry me back to Old Virginny...BRIGGS 1855..2 LikesRing de banjo... "Stephen Foster ...1851"videoRing de banjo... "Stephen Foster ...1851"1 LikePoor Robinson Crusoe....Winner's New Primer…videoPoor Robinson Crusoe....Winner's New Primer…5 LikesBoatman's Dance (arranged)...Frank .B. Conve…videoBoatman's Dance (arranged)...Frank .B. Conve…2 Likeslearning ! learning!! ;) Boatman's Dance.…videolearning ! learning!! ;) Boatman's Dance.…2 LikesOld Virginny Dance...
Frank.B.Converse (1886)videoOld Virginny Dance...
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