Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I have become intrested in becoming sort of an early banjo re enactor at large. I'd like to get some perriod clothing and go around school assemblies and other venues and play some music and give talks about it.

This idea hatched because a Lady at church has asked me to come play and speak to her Genealogy Club.

I'll be taking several instruments that I play , and decided to make the banjo a part of the presentation.

I need advice on Clothing and sources of clothing. I have two pairs of Broadfall Pants , and a Couple of matching vests. I need the correct shirt and neckwear as well as shoes and a hat of the perriod.

My First date is around the first of the year.

any suggestions , advice , war stories etc will be greatfully received

Thank You kindly

Views: 17

Comment by Cory Rosenberg on September 20, 2010 at 8:56pm
Go for it! I've gotten a great response as something of an itinerant banjoist in Gettysburg and people are fascinated by stories behind songs, instruments etc. As far as your clothing goes, definitely do your research, but don't be afraid to dress "outlandishly". Many people don;t realize just how colorfly and flamboyantly dressed our 19th century counterparts were (especially those that were stage performers). So striped pants and a brocade vest are on the menu. As for shirts try and find something with full sleeves and perhaps even a seperable collar for an extra period touch. Neckwear goes through many changes from the 40's-70's but I have found I do pretty well with standard width self-tie cravats, and one extra-wide cravat that I tie into a "dandy" bow when I am performing. Self-tie cravats are especially good because you can fix them any way you like to suit the mood or the occasion and re-tie for variety. Gentlemansemporium.com carries some good things but some farb stuff as well so research any item before you buy. Corner Clothiers puts out top quality products, but you pay for it! Either way, I remember what a fine player you were on several instruments, so whatever you wear, I'm sure that will shine through first and foremost!


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