Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Rob Morrison in Chapel Hill, Mark Weems in Durham

Rob, two players within 15 miles and we don't know each other? please get in touch!

Views: 227

Comment by Tim Twiss on May 21, 2011 at 11:33am
Hey Mark, what's with your avatar?
Comment by Mark Weems on May 21, 2011 at 12:02pm
Comment by Tim Twiss on May 21, 2011 at 1:53pm
All I see is an "X"
Comment by Mark Weems on May 21, 2011 at 4:07pm
Tim, are you referring to my profile pic.? If so, i don't know, i've tried to post one several times and it just won't take. if not to the pic then let me know what you mean when you say all you see is an "x" thanks, Mark
Comment by Tim Twiss on May 21, 2011 at 4:14pm
I can see it now. 
Comment by Rob Morrison on May 21, 2011 at 8:28pm


I was down at the Cape Fear museum today in Fayetteville playning in the Civil War encampment with my fiddler friend Norm Boggs.  While I was there I actually ran into a guy from Burlington who plays Civil War era fiddle music.  I just got home so I hadn't seen your posting. Yeah, I'd love to get together sometime.  Norm and I will be playing at the Duke Homestead Historic Site in Durham 10am to 4pm the second Saturday of June, July, August, and September at the homestead building.  I won't be able to do much before that, but please, if you can, come out to the Duke Homestead and bring your banjo.  Bob Flesher is actually the guy who taught me to play minstrel banjo style.  He's a great player and a great instrument maker.  Rob Morrison   

Comment by Mark Weems on May 21, 2011 at 11:47pm
good, rob. I'll try to make one of them, though with a one year old, i don't get around much anymore as the song goes. I am going to try hard to make the banjo gathering. but  let me have your number(not in the book) and let's talk shop sometime. Mark
Comment by Rob Morrison on June 8, 2011 at 8:40am
Mark and anybody else in the Triangle-Triad area-- Norm Boggs and I will be playing this Saturday, June 11, at the Duke Homestead Historic Site in Durham, NC from 10AM to 4PM.  Mark--bring your 1 year old--  the place is totally baby friendly.  I'd love to see your banjo.  These events are quite informal and are mostly an oppotunity the teach the history of the 1850's and 1860's, including of course, the musical history.--Rob Morrison
Comment by Mark Weems on June 8, 2011 at 9:08am

HI Rob,

We'll actually be playing at exactly the same time over at The Bennett Place in Durham! Let me know of your next one and I'll come see it. What is your phone number?

Comment by Rob Morrison on July 2, 2011 at 11:58pm

To all:

Thank you George, Susan, Greg and others for such a great time at the AEBC.  My clunker and I got back across the the mountains somehow and my daughter had her baby today, a little boy.  I finally got to meet Mark Weems today at the Festival for the Eno in Durham, NC where Mark and his wife Julee entertained the crowd with a fine combination of Irish, Appalachian, and original music.  Mark told me he is arranging a Joe Ayers weekend at Bennett Place Historical Site in Durham on August 13. Joe will meet and greet the public from 10AM until 4PM. In the evening Joe will give a concert in the Bennett Place Theater for $15 from 7-9PM.  The next day, August 14, Joe will give a banjo workshop from 1-3 PM for a charge of $30.  Like most of the rest of us, I've been a fan of Joe's for many years.  If any of you are out this way this August, this will be a rare opportunity to get get to meet Joe Ayers and to see him in action. --Rob Morrison


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