Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

New Bean, Ordered a Tackhead, Now what?

I would like to learn to play it Minstrel style like you guyz be a doin.

What lesson books with C.D. or better yet D.V.Ds should I be a learnin' from. I have a good ear and been playing banjo more or less guitar style, but I jest hear songs and I can play them. I have played steel guitar and other git fiddles so i ain't afeared of finger pickin' or unlearning bad habits.

Am playin' my version of "Jim along Josie" as I say adieu, thanking you in advance for any hep you can gib me as I am so not worthy.

Your Obedient servant,

Thomas J.
aka Tibilt elsewhere and Shameless Womanizer in other arenas
5th grade ESL Social Studies Teacher and Cowboy Action Shootist (yet another character flaw)

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