Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

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  • Norfolk, VA
  • United States
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Hello everyone and welcome to my profile.

My name is Paul Herring. I have been doing Civil War living History for 25 years. I am a founding member of the Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums based in Hampton Roads Virginia.

I also play the Minstrel banjo! I have uploaded one tune that we recorded on the fly at my house. I am playing the banjo, my son Levi is playing the tambo , de bones and back up vocals and Steven Flibotte is on vocals. Levi and Steven are both 17 years old. I think it is pretty cool they take to the old minstrel tunes!

We have a couple more tunes that we recorded the same day. I will try to upload them later.

Have a nice day and thanks for stopping by.

Merry Christmas!

Due to a complaint I have decided to remove the tune I posted this morning. If you would like to hear the tune I will be happy to e-mail it to anyone in mp3 format.

I have replaced it with a more PC version of Gwine Ober De Mountain.


Paul Herring

Comment Wall (5 comments)

At 6:45am on December 23, 2008, John Masciale said…
Welcome to this forum.
At 10:32am on December 23, 2008, John Masciale said…
Were you with the drum & fife group at Gettysburg this summer?
At 11:32am on December 23, 2008, John Masciale said…
Hi Paul, I'm part of a boy scout venturing crew, we represent the 13th tennessee infantry regiment (http://crew862.nwsc.org/). Its a great way to get kids involved in reenacting. We were at the later Gettysburg event. I wish we had a chance to have heard you.
At 10:35pm on December 23, 2008, Carl Anderton said…

I didn't mean to insult you. To me, it's not so much a matter of "watering down history" as it it "proper context."

At an authentic-minded event, for serious living historians, who understand what we are trying to do, is the proper place for un-censored lyrics and skits.

Tunes just posted on the 'net can be so easily mis-understood and mis-interpreted. The n-word is a very, very sensitive topic, and should be.
At 11:27pm on December 23, 2008, Carson Hudson said…
Hey Paul,
Welcome to the group, I'm looking forward to playing with you and Levi again. Will you be at the Mariners' Museum in March?

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