Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

It's been a while. Perhaps we can revive the "Tune of the Week" again? Post it one week from tomorrow. I propose "Kitty O'Niel's Champion Jig". It's from Ryan's, and is unusual in that it has 7 lines, each with new material. Here's where creative banjo arranging comes into play...do it all, or select segments that you like. Take liberties with the ornaments. It all lays okay on the banjo. You will find several themes already in our banjo repertoire. What says you?

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Let's all take a look at this tune and give a shot at posting a version of it next Friday. Almost always when working up a new tune "muddling" turns into "playing" so damn the torpedos and keep plugging away. I like tab as well as notation, so Marc's tab is helpful, even if, as he says, some of the left-hand note choices aren't what you necessarily want to use. This is a meaty tune and should make for some good stroke-style music.

I plan on leaving most of the trills out...
Unfortunately I have way too much going on here this week to work up something this complicated. I'm going to have to take a pass, but will try to pick up the next one,
I know a lot of folks don't have time, or get freaked out by looking at it, but I hope after we play it, people will become encouraged to try it, or others like it. Although we play it with a "deadline", it should just be something that is there for future reference. The fiddle repertoire will keep us busy long after the banjo books are played out. Much of it is inclusive already. It is surprisingly easy. After these new fiddle tunes are played by we banjo players, I hope they become a part of our expanding repertoire. I don't think I've played one that sets better on the banjo than Kitty O'Niel.

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