Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I captured this from a DVD set entitled "The American Civil War".  This is not the more famous Ken Burns documentary, but it is simlar.  This re-enactor is playing a fine version of "Old Dan Tucker" at the beginning of Episode 2, Act 6.  He is not mentioned in the credits as far as I could see.  I'm especially interested in the seeming contradiction between the fancy headstock and the rather primitive-looking rectangular rim.  It looks to me that someone took a manufactured neck and stuck it on a home-made pot.  I'm sure this kind of thing must have happened once in a while, but I'd like to know if there are any historical references, photos, etc. that substantiate this banjo.

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I would think that most younger folks of scouting age would want a fretted instrument... Just for ease of learning and getting the "right note". I know I avoided fretless for years as I figured they would be more difficult and not sound quite as nice. And i still think that appreciation of fretless banjos is an aquired taste. I think you have to work your way through the novelty of fretless to fully appreciate it. At least I have had to. But i think you have a great idea. I know as a kid I flailed away at a Uke as my first stringed instrument and really enjoyed it. It seems to me that the banjo being louder and more raukus would be a great project for kids to build and enjoy.
Great!  I can see the add campaign in Boy's Life.  Guys, do you really want to annoy your parents?  Build a banjo!  Learn to play!  Its louder and more raucus than those sissy instruments your parents want you to learn...

Bart McNeil said:
 I know as a kid I flailed away at a Uke as my first stringed instrument and really enjoyed it. It seems to me that the banjo being louder and more raukus would be a great project for kids to build and enjoy.
Ha Ha!  That's great.  Unfortunately, my prototype is not very loud or raucus.  Maybe I should advertise in Modern Maturity instead!

"... not very loud or raucus".

Not a problem.... Just insert "Take a tin cake pan from your from the kitchen shelf.... That is called a resonater".


Modern Maturity is not such a bad idea.... banjo buiding beats golf, and is a lot easier on the knees.

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