Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

They're up and rolling, with some prodding from Tim, and my wife.....and a bunch of strangers in my email. I love to make banjos. I told my wife if I made kits I'd miss making "banjos" - she said, "Let somebody else have fun doing it." I'm sure I'll still be making lots of finished banjos, rims, and tambourines, though. The price is crazy cheap...here's the site...  http://bell.20m.com/banjokits.html

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Terry, does the Boucher Kit include a Beehive?

Yes, Tom...in fact the beehive is installed on the peghead when you get it. I just KNEW somebody'd spot that in the picture!! I was all excited to get a picture of the first kit that went out and was thinking about the camera and not the beehive. Speaking of beehives, I lathed out about 20 of 'em today. Whew.


The kit looks great! I think I told you I have been building four more minstrel banjos after completing your neck kit. Your new kit would have solved a lot of experimentation on my part. Kind of like re-inventing the wheel... But I think I am on the right track with my builds and should have one or two completed in a few weeks. making the hooks and shoes has been labor intensive but I think I have it more or less worked out. I am using steel, not brass, for my first builds. I figured I would make my mistakes on cheaper steel. Anyway I would think your new kit should stir some interest.

Ya, I'm selling kits already. There's one problem with them, people can't believe there's no cutting, drilling or carving involved. Sand and stain. That's it.

Terry, what are the rim diameters and scale lengths on the Boucher and Stichter kits?


Hi Terry,

I hate to be a nag, again, but what are the rim dimensions and scale lengths available for your kits?

Thanks.  :-)

Dan, my kits  [ http://bell.20m.com/banjokits.html ] come in any scale length you want. You can choose rim diameter too. Rim depth is always 3 1/4" unless you want different. I'm finding in the short time that I've been selling them that people DO want different specs so I slowed down making the 12.5 rim with 27.5 scale and let folks choose their own. I encourage people not to go shorter than 27 if they're using Nylguts though.

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