Medley Mande Banza ... (Gourd Banjo)videoMedley Mande Banza ... (Gourd Banjo)5 LikesJoel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival 2018photoJoel Sweeney & the Banjo Festival 20185 Likes
July 2018
Reduced Rate for those Wanting a Hotel for t…Friends, if any of you are planning on coming to Appomattox Court House NHP for our annual Sweeney Convergence, there are a number of rooms available at the Appomattox Inn & Suites- should you pr…DiscussionReduced Rate for those Wanting a Hotel for t…1 LikeJoel Sweeney ConvergenceeventJoel Sweeney Convergence6 Likes
June 2018
Ladies won't you marry?videoLadies won't you marry?12 Likes
Backside AlbanyvideoBackside Albany4 LikesBilly in the Lowground, Early Banjo & Percus…videoBilly in the Lowground, Early Banjo & Percus…5 Likes
October 2017
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September 2017
Kentucky JubavideoKentucky Juba7 Likes
August 2017
Sor, Opus 35 No 17, BerghanvideoSor, Opus 35 No 17, Berghan3 LikesHelpful tip - side dot markersHere is a non-invasive, not-permanent way to add attractive & professional looking side dots to any neck. They can Really help when (or if) you play in a standing position. These are "dry transfe…DiscussionHelpful tip - side dot markers1 Like
July 2017
Darling Nelly Gray, live - Berghan & DenhardvideoDarling Nelly Gray, live - Berghan & Denhard6 Likes
June 2017
Bonnie Blue Flag "Harry Mc Carthy"...1861...videoBonnie Blue Flag "Harry Mc Carthy"...1861...3 LikesRoot Hog Or DievideoRoot Hog Or Die6 LikesKeemo KimovideoKeemo Kimo10 Likes
Do you need a hard shell case for your gourd…I needed a hardshell case for my gourd banjo. As I was drawing up the design for building my own homemade case and adding up the cost for the various needed materials I realized the cost was adding…DiscussionDo you need a hard shell case for your gourd…4 LikesBilly in the LowgroundvideoBilly in the Lowground6 Likes