Battle of New OrleansIt didn't dawn on me until I read the date on the newspaper this morning but this is the 200th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, whose date, throughout the early-mid 19th C was considered as…DiscussionBattle of New Orleans1 LikeJim Along JoseyvideoJim Along Josey5 LikesUnmasking Jim Crow: Blackface Minstrelsy in…eventUnmasking Jim Crow: Blackface Minstrelsy in…6 Likes
December 2014
The Spangle HornpipevideoThe Spangle Hornpipe2 LikesConverse Analytical 1videoConverse Analytical 12 LikesConverse Analytical 6videoConverse Analytical 61 LikeOld Plantation ReelvideoOld Plantation Reel3 LikesBriggs' "Yankee Doodle With Variations"videoBriggs' "Yankee Doodle With Variations"3 LikesSilver Lake WaltzvideoSilver Lake Waltz5 LikesWalk into the Parlor Jig - Briggs' JigvideoWalk into the Parlor Jig - Briggs' Jig6 LikesKeemo KimovideoKeemo Kimo9 LikesVan Bramer's JigvideoVan Bramer's Jig4 Likes
November 2014
Ole Virginy Break DownvideoOle Virginy Break Down6 LikesBuck DancevideoBuck Dance4 LikesDeacon Buckley's Jig.videoDeacon Buckley's Jig.5 LikesSeptimus Winner trade cardphotoSeptimus Winner trade card1 LikeSugar Cane DancevideoSugar Cane Dance5 LikesNovember 2014 Banjo NewsletterDear Friends,
As I posted on Facebook, for those who subscribe to Banjo Newsletter, I have been given the opportunity to talk about my work for this month's issue. My deep appreciation goes to Stephe…DiscussionNovember 2014 Banjo Newsletter1 LikeMy Gutless Banjo lifevideoMy Gutless Banjo life1 Like