Just now going to start getting in to it - really a strings/fiddle player - but the fretless banjo for me looks like a way to go.
If there are ever any jams - would like to come - as a beginner banjo but more advanced fiddle player (I have baroque style violin/viola instruments that would also work in the period).
I'm in the City so getting around is easy for me.
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Hi Mike. I live in the NW suburbs, welcome to the forum!
Just now going to start getting in to it - really a strings/fiddle player - but the fretless banjo for me looks like a way to go.
If there are ever any jams - would like to come - as a beginner banjo but more advanced fiddle player (I have baroque style violin/viola instruments that would also work in the period).
I'm in the City so getting around is easy for me.
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