Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Folks, just checking in with any of you that might be thinking about joining us this Saturday. If you could, would you let me know if you are considering coming so I can get a tentative head count? Several people gave told me they might come but I am hoping to firm up attendance before Friday. Hope you can make it!!


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Wish I could attend. I hope you have a great turnout and look forward to hearing about it here!

I'm coming. Please let me know when the most people are likely to be there. I'm going to rent the ZipCar for a few hours to come over and want to be sure to come at the best time.

Hi Brian -- I thought I was going to be able to swing it, but it turns out I have 3 gigs (OT) that weekend that I can't pass up...  It's been a crazy summer...  Sounds like fun - post some videos...

Jim, I have a funny feeling it may be only you and I and Maybe one other person. I have emailed a few people directly and am awaiting a reply. The one wild card I have right now is Michael Pasquerette from Sharpsburg MD who was considering coming north for a few days and coming here for the gathering. I am getting several cancelations last minute but will keep you up to date. I wouldn't have a problem with giving you a lift if you still plan to come over after the dust settles with the attendees. Let me know what you would like to do. Frankly, I really wanted to hear your presentation! I am bending a a rim tonight so I can work on a banjo build Saturday if no one shows.


Hi Brian, answered privately but perhaps that didn't go through -- at any rate, we would definitely like to be there!  (Our potential conflict was cancelled due to upcoming weather.)  What time-frame should we consider, and can we bring anything?  Thanks!

Brian, I am super-bummed that I can't make it this weekend.  I had been looking forward to a New England gathering before it even became an official thing.

Hi Brian,

I'm sorry it didn't work out. I was looking forward to it. Since Maggi and I are getting away for a few days next week (finally) for a vacation/creative retreat, it might be best for me to spend Saturday battening down the hatches at home, so to speak.

Let's try to pick a mutually convenient time to get together anyway -- it's been way too long.


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