Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Cuffie and I played at a retirement home this evening. They enjoyed it very much, but we had a few requests that we couldn't fill, and it got me thinking about "must play" tunes that are so helpful when playing for the general public. Tunes that they already know or know of.

Tunes like:

Dan Tucker
Camptown Races
Oh Susannah
Buffalo Gals
Battle Hymn of the Republic

We were requested "Darling Clementine" which I could not fufill, so I will add that to my list. "Wait for the Wagon" could also be on this list, tho it's less familiar. I'm sure there's more "must plays" out there that I can't think of.

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a 'glee club' favorite ,"Aura Lee" was a more contemporary hit also,and without voice accompanyment, folks seem to think we are playing "love me tender" by Elvis,,,this is an aspect of the period music that interests some as well

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