Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

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sounds like a midi file

I love those old automatic music machines. Here is another one complete with tambourin


But the younger generation is up to the task too.  My son just graduated from an electronic technical school and some of his classmates, for their project, made an electronic automatic guitar.  Of course all the mechanical parts have been replaced with circuits, but it's the same idea.


Now we just need them to do one with a banjo.  :>)

Not to be outdone, My son's team came up with something for when your arm gets tired from too much banjo playing. Might need a little more work, but who knows.


Bye the way, the big kid flapping his arms, That's my boy.  :>)

Funny you should say, Mark... this was the first thing it made me think of:

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