Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

I am researching this early minstrel duo as far as I can tell Thomas Coleman was a banjo player. They were performing together from late in the 1830s. Coleman was Smiths apprentice. They went to England and performed at the Surrey as well as other places returning to New York in early 1841. They subsequently performed together at the Bowery and then performed at various Circus's they oerformed with the Welches and Mann and for Spaulding and with Stone and McCollum on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.
I am very interested in hearing from any one who has knowledge about these two in particular, but also about early blackface performance between 1836 and 1853.

Thanks for your support,

Margaret in Australia

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Hi Margaret. Are you familiar with this book? https://archive.org/details/monarchsofminstr00rice
It has a little info on Smith and Coleman, which you've probably already come across. ( Apparently Smith died in Australia.) Plus info on other major performers... Cheers!
Thank you, yes. He died in South Yarra in Melbourne. He was my great great aunts husband. He had quite an amazing career. I would love to make contact with minstrel and Circus historians in America. I am in Australia!
Thank you.

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