Minstrel Banjo

For enthusiasts of early banjo

Hi all,

In my unending incompetence I porbably missed an obvious posting of this, but I was hoping to find more printable tutors than the Briggs from banjo factory. I don't want to rob the estates of any banjo pioneers, but if anyone is offering free versions of copyright lapsed materials (converse? rice?) I'd love to know. If the only option is a loosening of the purse strings and the shelling out of some hard earned banjo dollars, does anyone have a reccomentdation as to good hard copies?

happy strumming and jawing,


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The tunes from Briggs can be found in tab on my site: http://www.classicbanjorm.com/earlyfingerstyle.html - but not the text.
Tim's Banjo Clubhouse has the following:

Frank B. Converse's Analytical Banjo Method

Buckley's Guide for the Banjo

Winner's New American School for the Banjo

Frank Converse's Old Cremona Songster

Winner's New School for the Banjo 1872

And many other individual songs and tabs spread throughout.

Plus all of Tim's videos. And audio recordings of many tunes.

The best resource around.

I've spent a fair amount of time poking around the Banjo Clubhouse but I had not noticed those PDFs nestled among all the audio and video clips! Tim, I've said it before but I'll say it again: Thanks for providing such a tremendous resource!

Brian Welch said:
Tim's Banjo Clubhouse has the following:
Frank B. Converse's Analytical Banjo Method
Buckley's Guide for the Banjo

Winner's New American School for the Banjo

Frank Converse's Old Cremona Songster

Winner's New School for the Banjo 1872

And many other individual songs and tabs spread throughout.

Plus all of Tim's videos. And audio recordings of many tunes.

The best resource around.

Thanks for all the help! Looks like future generarions will remember briggs for bringing banjo to the masses, Converse for making it high art and Twiss for bringing minstrel banjo into the internet age!
Has anybody tried to buy a Buckley 1860 lately? I see they are "out of stock..." in Lansing. We know what that means.
What about Rice?
I may put both up in the Clubhouse, along with Briggs'. I have non-Tuckahoe editions of all.
In answer to Tim's question I bought a Yellow Converse and a Rice about 2 months ago from Elderly.
I have an original of the Buckley 1860 (at least I think I know where that one is). If you want to scan it, I'd be happy to send it. The cover is a dark green, so it wouldn't scan as cleanly as something like the Tuckahoe cover.

I haven't yet found my original of the Converse yellow-book. Too many boxes unpacked still...

Tim Twiss said:
Has anybody tried to buy a Buckley 1860 lately? I see they are "out of stock..." in Lansing. We know what that means.
What about Rice?
I may put both up in the Clubhouse, along with Briggs'. I have non-Tuckahoe editions of all.
I'd be interested in the Buckley 1860. I'd buy one, but it has not been available in quite some time. Or at least every time I looked, it was not available.

Got the Rice. I like it. I'd have seized both in one fell swoop if both had been available. But they weren't. So I didn't. And I don't.
Marc, if you could send me just a few select pages, I will put the Buckley 1860 up. For some reason i am missing pages 18, 24, 25, and 75. If it is not available, it's time to make it so.
I'll stop drooling on the keyboard now, Tim.

I got into minstreal banjo because of my interest in civil war. The manuals which came after the war are interesting, but I've focused on the antebellum manuals and songbooks plus those printed during the war. (If I'm going to put time into learning something, I want to be able to play it around my friends at events.) Buckley's 1860 is right up the alley.

Someday, I'll hope to be like Carl doing the Turn of the Century music, but I'm a far cry from that now.
I can find those great audio samples and videos but i can't seem to locatethe sheet music! Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Brian Welch said:
Tim's Banjo Clubhouse has the following: Frank B. Converse's Analytical Banjo Method

Buckley's Guide for the Banjo

Winner's New American School for the Banjo

Frank Converse's Old Cremona Songster

Winner's New School for the Banjo 1872

And many other individual songs and tabs spread throughout.

Plus all of Tim's videos. And audio recordings of many tunes.

The best resource around.

Don't those links of Brian's take you right to it?

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