If the idea of learning a specific brand new tune is too much, perhaps we could get a "theme"...maybe "Rice Friday", or "Sweeney Friday", something more general like that. People could dig into their already prepared arsenal.
Or "Waltz Friday"...."Minor Key Friday"....."Foster Friday"....."Songs with wrong notes Friday"...."Fingerstyle Friday"...."Fast Tune Friday"....."Vocal Friday".....???? Hey, just a few ideas.
Don't want to completely write off the new tune thing, that is fun. It would be good to do a few things from the repetoire as well. Don't write off the composers as well, Emmett, Foster, Sweeney, Buckley, Converse, etc. I'm holding back on a suggestion to see if we can get some additional suggestions...
I have to apologize for not being able to do anything with last week's tune (though I "called" it). Mother-in-law had to stay with us for a week while she had her hardwood floors refinished.
She's gone home now (whew!) and I have gotten a banjo or two out already. I'll try to 'catch up' asap and will continue to try to make the Friday night fights.
My preference would be for specific tunes...as we have been doing. However, I don't mind 'theme' stuff either. Whatever gets people up and pickin'.
I really like the "songs with wrong notes" theme. All of my stuff has 'em!
This weeks tune was perfect for easily discerning different fingerings, arrangements, and interpretations of stroke-style banjo music. John's arrangements really brought out the bouncy feel of the dotted rhythm. He comes down off the fifth position as much as possible. I hung around up there more, waiting for an open string note to let me drop down. Tim shifted between the two, even using the third position in a spot or two. Interesting comparaisons and good practice!
Great Friday Post....any others coming in? I think Carl had a great summary. As always, hearing and seeing others is a fabulous learning tool. I always see something that simply did not occur to me while I was working it out.
Well, I am certainly curious as to the what next week will bring. I know that you, John, had an idea last week that I am wondering about. Or Marc I like songs with my name Smith might have one up his sleeve.
This is so valuable for expanding the repertoire. Maybe there is something lurking deep within a tutor that nobody has brought to life yet? Hmmm.... Or perhaps there are members of the Ning site who just don't know how some particular song goes and would like to see it tried in this public, yet personal, venue?