Tom Taggart


Gainesville, VA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find out about Ning Minstrel Banjo?
Tim Twiss web site
What kind of banjo(s) do you own?
(1) Home made (but not by me) minstrel banjo. I bought it second hand from a friend in Civil War reenacting community. (2) S.S. Stewart Grade 1 banjo made ca. 1900. (3) Modern Deering Goodtime Special with tone ring and resonator.

Comment Wall:

  • Mark Bransford

    Dear Tom:

    Thank you for your encouragement. I placed an order with Bell Minstrel Banjo for a Bouscher model banjo. I am suppose to receive it by the end of January next year. I can't wait to start learning how to play it.

    Mark B.

  • Sonny Bryan

    Thanks Tom, enjoyed it too.

  • Jim Tribble

    Thanks Tom.  It is a great site, the only drawback so far is the "unexpected error" I get for timing out.  

  • John W Carlson

    Thanks Tom, looking forward to it.
  • Jim Robertson

    Thanks for the kind welcome, Tom.  I'm looking forward to spending some time hanging about here.  Since I live about 40 minutes from Appomattox there's a good chance I'll meet some of you in person some time.

  • rachel woodruff

    thank you very much Tom. i do hope to learn some things..
  • David Colpitts

    Thank you, Tom. I am on the brink of picking up a kit from the nice folk at BackYardMusic, and am still torn between the short and standard lengths, and fretted or fretless. I have a good ear, but wonder if my first should have "automatic" notes via frets, and then I'll know where to put the fingers on the fretless, after I am familiar with the frets. Any thoughts? Aside from early ease, do I sacrifice anything else by fretlessness? I know I gain microtonal capacity and sliding, which do appeal to me a lot.....
    Thanks again, and regards,
  • Jacalyn Thomas

    My pleasure!So glad you liked it.
  • Rob Mohr

    Tom, thanks again for the invite for the upcoming convergence. Right now, my family seems intent on going, so we'll just do Saturday (knowing my wife, that could easily change lol).