Jim Tribble

Anstruther, Fife, Scotland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

How did you find out about Ning Minstrel Banjo?
Internet searches
What kind of banjo(s) do you own?
19 century 6 sting British Banjo

Comment Wall:

  • Strumelia

    Welcome Jim.   :)

  • Mark Weems

    Anstruther! I got sick as a dog there once and wasn't able to get out of bed. A beautiful seaside fishing village If I recall with a nice rock wall reaching out into the sea. Near where my people came from in 1719! Welcome.

  • Jim Tribble

    Thanks to both of you, tonight I went out to walk the dog at 9 pm and ended up drinking beer in a friends yard with a small fire and a full moon over the firth of forth, I have just got back (1am).  Beer seems to be theme in Anstruther.  Which is always good it is also a good stimulus for playing music which is also very good here. 

  • Tom Taggart

    Welcome to the site, you are sure to enjoy the folks who hang out here.

  • Strumelia

    Your avatar!   is that a vielle, a medieval fiddle...?  Awesome.  I looooove medieval music as well.

  • Jim Tribble

    Thanks Tom.  It is a great site, the only drawback so far is the "unexpected error" I get for timing out.  

  • Jim Tribble

    Thanks Strumelia, yes it is a vielle or Medieval Fyddle.  That's me in my get up at Edinburgh Castle where I show off with a few instruments to the general public. I do this regularly and at other sites in Scotland.  Apart from walking and drinking yesterday I also spent a few hours recording the Fyddle so hopefully once they are sorted I can share some tracks with you.  Sorry other folks that it is not the Banjo, that is going to take a while to get to grips with.  :)