Leonidas (Lee) Jones


Meriden, CT

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find out about Ning Minstrel Banjo?
Internet search for Minstrel Banjo
What kind of banjo(s) do you own?
Bell Boucher. Bell Sweeney, Bell Stichter

Comment Wall:

  • Strumelia

    I hope you are enjoying that GORGEOUS red Bell banjer you got!!   :)

  • Leonidas (Lee) Jones

    I can't imagine my good fortune, and at the price I got, its unbelievable. I can hardly put the thing down!
  • John Salicco

    Thanks. I look forward to participating in this forum.

  • Leonidas (Lee) Jones

    You have already contributed a lot. Keep it up!
  • Christopher Stetson

    Sounds like a plan.  I live about a 5 minute drive from Look Park; even have a pass.  See you in October.  I hope I have the kit built by then.

  • Leonidas (Lee) Jones

    Ah, I play on Bell Bouchers. I hope you have the Stichter finished by then, I'd like to check it out.
  • Christopher Stetson

    I'll do my best.  I'll also bring along my ca. 1865 Ashborn guitar.  Do you have a date for Look Park?

  • Leonidas (Lee) Jones

    First weekend of October.
  • William Wolston

    Thanks for the encouragement.